BSI 360° laboratory videos

360° videos allow for a much more immersive experience - take a look at the BSI labs

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Project Timeline


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Project Overview

BSI have shaped best practice for over 100 years, helping organisations around the world embed excellence, build competence and capability for sustainable growth. They have over 10 labs within the UK which cover product testing across many different industries!

Project Execution

We worked carefully with the BSI team to ensure that we compiled a schedule of production suitable for both the REAS team and BSI lab technicians.

Our Editor worked closely with technical experts to ensure that all language was accurate, and that key pieces of equipment featured in the videos.

Over the course of 7 days we recorded all the content needed for every lab, and in the ensuing months we carefully edited between 4-6 internal videos and 4-6 external videos per lab.


The BSI team were provided with a suite of 360° video to help showcase their lab spaces. 360° videos prove a more immersive experience for viewers and, in a climate of reduced in-person interaction, they have proved to be a valuable replacement. We produced over 70 videos which were split for internal and external purpose. Internal videos were designed to incorporate more technical language to help train staff, and external videos were designed to help showcase BSI lab facilities since in person tours came to a holt due to Covid-19.

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