What is AI-dea?

AI-dea is a documentary series about how REAS Group, a marketing and software company, partnered with students from Imperial College London to develop artificial intelligence to help people find work and take care of their mental health.

The series follows the team as they develop the AI, which they call "AI-dea". They interview potential users, conduct research, and develop prototypes. Along the way, they face challenges such as funding and technical difficulties. However, they also experience successes, such as when they successfully match a job seeker with a job that is a good fit for them.

AI-dea is a story of innovation, collaboration, and the power of technology to change lives. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in the future of work, mental health, and artificial intelligence.

Coming soon to a streaming platform near you!
Episode 2 coming in

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AI-dea premiere
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AI-dea YouTube
AI-dea Fans App


RobertLinkedIn icon
Robert Lee
Executive Producer
Script WriterLinkedIn icon
Script Writer
Sam HeadLinkedIn icon
Sam Head
Robin LeeLinkedIn icon
Robin Lee
Media Manager
Kiana KamalianLinkedIn icon
Kiana Kamalian
Elliot BoltLinkedIn icon
Elliot Bolt
Media Producer
Feiazie BakshLinkedIn icon
Feiazie Baksh
Digital Architect
Diana RomanenkoLinkedIn icon
Diana Romanenko
Web Developer
Ngozi ThomasLinkedIn icon
Ngozi Thomas
Digital Executive
Clemen KokLinkedIn icon
Clemen Kok
AI Student Lead
Jian LeeLinkedIn icon
Jian lee
AI Student Lead
Lakechia JeanneLinkedIn icon
Lakechia Jeanne
PR & Comms Manager
ICDSSLinkedIn icon
Development team
AI-dea fan appQR code fun app
Ai-m in
Fans App

Working process

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